Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Stand Up or Stand Aside

Welcome back. I have returned after a long over-due hiatus. From November 4th, 2008, I have done my best to remain moderate and open-minded, hopeful about the change that was promised to me. I suppose now would be the best time to lay out all of my political thoughts, just so that I cannot be accused of bias:

Abortion: moderately pro-life, with reservations. The issue is far more complicated than platitudes and reproductive rights.

Same-sex marriage: I am for the sanctity of marriage, but I am in favor of civil unions and equal rights. Taxes and rights, they can have it. Just don't squash the rights of the church. You want rights, then respect the rights of Christians to dissent. Gay marriage isn't high on my list of priorities. In fact, I don't really give two flying squirrels about who has sex with who.

Gun control: again, I'm much more in the middle of the road. In suburbia, it is borderline impractical to own and operate a machine gun. However, restricting firearms doesn't rid the nation of fire arms. I am a constitutionalist, and believe in the right to own a firearm.

Marijuana legalization: don't really care.

I will get back to you on this. I'm tired.

Needless to say, I will use the comparison of Michael Jackson to our newly elected leader. I gave Michael Jackson a fair amount of time, over two months, before I joined in the foray of joke telling. The same applies to our President. Please notice that I indeed capitalized his title. He was elected. He is my president. What he does, however, must be criticized. As a patriot, to not offer dissent is akin to person treason on my part.

Therefore, I have held my tongue on his affairs and legislation and rhetoric for almost a year now, giving him time to get established before I started blowing smoke. Well my friends, in the mortal words of Eric Bana from Star Trek, the wait is over.

Time to step up and shout out. After I finish eating the inside of my own head.

-John Galt

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