Thursday, January 15, 2009

Humming Hallelujah to the sound of my own pace.

Since this is my first blog, to hell with it all. Throughout my life I've experienced unbridled rage, regret, terror, agony, rejection, and the occasional unhealthy dose of reality. And since being a lawyer or doctor was out, I figured why not channel all of my emotions into fictional characters and create an imaginary universe where I, Nicholas Ahern, aspiring writer, am quite literally God.


There is power in words. People forget that fact because words are being replaced with pseudo-techno-jargon not unlike LOL or WTF. So much can be said with three simple letters, but people don't often think about the letters or words and phrases or sentences that comprise this wonderful creation called language.


The power of pen and paper is quickly falling. Zeroes and Ones have replaced it, when to literally hand write a paper is frowned upon as if one is still utilizing the horse and carriage to it's fullest potential. There is so much to express and create within our very essence as humans that we often settle for the ordinary instead of the sublime.


I simply wonder and hum hallelujah as my life spins out of control. I'm not a nihilist, a romanticist, an existentialist, an atheist, or a fundamentalist. I am, quite simply, just a man. I am a shell, crying out for forgiveness and redemption, but also recognition.


Words are my sword. Words are my hands and arms. Words will never die. Because of that, I close my eyes and thank God that I have the chance to write this never next phrase:

Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. This is actually quite an invigorating post. I just recently realized the joy I find in writing. "Words are my sword." True that brother. Words make all the difference.
